Pamela Larrondo MSW, RSW - Therapist


I am an experienced therapist who has provided professional services for over 20 years. I love what I do and try my best to provide clients with the services they need.

In my practice I offer the following services as a seasoned therapist extensively trained in trauma informed and attachment focussed work with clients:

  • Individual and couples therapy
  • Other related clinical social work services as needed

My sensitive, compassionate, non-judgmental clinical approach can assist you to feel safe and to discover new ways to feel better about yourself, your life, and improve the way you relate to others.

My services are offered virtually from Monday to Thursday, 9am-4pm.

I offer my services in English and Spanish.

My Style

I recognize that choosing a therapist is a very important and personal decision. I work in a gentle manner and prioritize your need for emotional safety, respect, and acceptance. This sets the necessary conditions for a working alliance towards helping you to connect to and activate your own wise intuition, inner strengths, and capacity for self-awareness, self- compassion, growth and healing. During our sessions I stay present to your moment-to- moment experience, and remain invested in helping you gain important insight and a more loving and profound connection with yourself. This is necessary to make the changes that will bring new perspectives and a sense of empowerment and inner peace that can take you closer to meeting your therapeutic goals.

My Therapeutic Approaches

I am skilled in a variety of psychobiological (neuro-science informed) an attachment focussed therapeutic approaches. I use my clinical assessment skills and intuition to guide me in using the ones that will be most effective for you. Some of the therapeutic approaches that resonate with me include:

  • PACT (the psychobiological approach to couples therapy). This approach also often guides my therapeutic interventions with individual clients, especially in understanding early developmental interruptions and how to neuropsychologically rewire healthier and more satisfying ways of responding to self and others in a manner that is self affirming, empowering and conducive to cultivating secure and healthy relationships.
  • Trauma-informed therapy for the treatment of emotional disturbances, PTSD, CPTSD and the potential resulting stabilization of other concurrent conditions.
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for the treatment of PTSD, CPTSD, depression, anxiety, emotional blocks, etc.)
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Emotionally-focused therapy
  • Narrative therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy for anxiety, depression and PTSD
  • Solution-focused therapy
  • Therapy that involves creative expression.

I’m happy to work in collaboration with other health care providers and community resources that may compliment your healing needs or that may be necessary as a comprehensive course of treatment and resource building.

My Training, Accreditation, and Professional Commitment

I acquired an Honours Bachelor degree as a psychology major in 1989, and a combined Master of Social Work and Women’s Studies from the University of Toronto in 2003. My graduate studies were in clinical social work with an emphasis in working with individuals, couples, and families. In 2008 I completed a four-year psychotherapy training program at The Integral Healing Centre of Toronto in psychodynamic, body-oriented practices. My motivation and interest in body oriented psychotherapy stems from my desire to assist trauma survivors with trauma reactivation struggles that are often experienced on a body level as a result of various brain and nervous system related adaptations too overwhelming stress. I have received training in EMDR, Polyvagal Theory, IFS, Mindfulnesss among other approaches. Over the years yesI have evolved my learning and practice to focussing on the neuro-biological processes at play during trauma activation and have acquired valuable skills through rigourous training in developmental trauma and attachment. I have trained in both Emotionally Focussed Therapy (EFT) and the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT). I have completed Core Skills Training in EFT through the Centre for Excellence in EFT and Level 2 PACT training throuogh the PACT Institute. I participate in clinical supervision with clinicians who have expertise and certification in the PACT approach.

To further inform and support my work with all clients,I seek clinical supervision from a seasoned clinical expert in trauma, addictions and pharmacological treatment. Though addictions and more mental health conditions are outside of the scope of my practice, I do everything possible to remain informed for the benefit of clients suffering with such conditions and refer clients out two more specialized therapists/clinicians if needed. I am committed to continuing to update and expand my knowledge and skills by participating in ongoing professional development opportunities.

Professional Obligations of a Registered Social Worker

I am a registered clinical social worker and psychotherapist regulated by the Ontario College of social Workers and Social Service Workers. I work virtually with clients, either via phone or an encrypted video platform. I offer a 15 minute free video consultation too help us determine if I might be a suitable therapist for you. Prior to your first visit I will ask you to complete an electronic intake form that I use to both collect certain information about you that I am required to keep in your file and to inform you of my practice policies and limitations. This includes information about the security of your personal information, limitations to confidentiality and other areas beyond the scope of my virtual practice, office privacy policy, my fees and other relevant office policies and practices. I will ask you to read these over and ensure that you get the opportunity to ask any questions that will help you gain clarity about my practice policies and limitations prior to you agreeing to contracting my services. It is of utmost importance that you are clear about this information before consenting to receiving any professional services from me. I will work diligently throughout the course of our work together to ensure you are kept aware of any professional obligations and limits of my practice.

By visiting the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW) you can become better acquainted with the professional standards of practice and code of ethics I am required to abide by.